Alone, we can do so little;

together, we can do so much.

If you've ever asked yourself any of the questions below,

you're in the right place.

"I have a business idea, but where do I start?"

"How can I get consistent leads and customers?"

"How can I price my products profitably and entice people to buy them?"

"How do I get people to buy from me or refer people to me?"

"How do I take my business to $100K and beyond?"



I believe mothers who want to have a profitable business without the added stress

MUST have a predictable system to acquire consistent leads and sales.

How can you find the time to do this while running a business and raising a family?

Instead of digging through hundreds of books, thousands of academic research papers,

and wasting time on strategies by so called “experts”, subscribe to The Chill MomBoss
(it’s free).

“[…] Offers good tips on balancing motherhood with business."

"Michelle is our Top 10 Mummy Influencers In The World. Featured in various publications and with her own book published, we’re just in awe of Michelle.”

"This mumtrepreneur earns 5 digits monthly helping other mums juggle work and motherhood."

"This mumtrepreneur earns 5 digits monthly helping other mums juggle work and motherhood."

"3 kids, 2 businesses, 1 book: There's just no stopping Michelle Hon."

"She's the supermom behind lifestyle blog The Chill Mom and founder of MomBoss Academy, where she teaches women how to ace motherhood while growing their businesses."

"One of those mums who is an ace at mumprenership."


Hello! I'm Michelle Hon.

Just like you, I wear lots of different hats. A mom, entrepreneur, author, wife, daughter and sister with a never-say-die attitude dedicated to helping you live your mom life to the fullest. I've built multiple 6-figure businesses from home, generating more than $10 millions while raising three children since they were 6 months old, and in my tummies!

I believe mothers who want to have a profitable business without the added stress MUST have a predictable system to generates leads and sales.

How can you find the time to do this while running a business and raising a family?

Instead of digging through hundreds of books, thousands of videos, and wasting time on strategies by so called “experts”, subscribe to The Chill MomBoss (it’s free)!

"To me, the greatest moments are seeing my students' business thrive and they are living a life that they've been dreaming of."

- Michelle Hon

Live Your Purpose,

Leave A Legacy.

When you do the work and stay committed, the results you can create are extraordinary. Just imagine the growth you will experience with the right training, guidance and support.

Let's be friends


Need more than training?