Are you struggling to boost your sales?
Tune in to this episode where I share the most important selling trick that you can do it in just 30 seconds!
If this was helpful for you, leave a comment and let us know! :)
If you're looking for...
Recently I got a question from one of my subscribers about her sales struggles. She is struggling with these troubles: People can't afford her prices, aren't interested in buying right now and feel like she is too expensive than her competitors.
I launched my very first online program, #MomBossGoal via a live webinar. In fact, we ran the launch even before the program was fully ready.
We acquired 1500 leads and made more than $21,000 in revenue from that very first launch.
Since then,...
After working with many businesses to refine their digital marketing and advertising strategies, I noticed that one of the biggest struggles and the deciding factor of the success of their Facebook advertising strategies is finding who to target.
...I asked 173 online business owners what is holding them back from growing their business.
73% responded: “I can't grow because I'm not on social media."
Me: "Why not?"
Stagnant entrepreneurs: "I don't know what to say/write."
In a way, they...
Welcome to our August 2022 Income Report!
It’s been a year since I last published an income report and so much had happened since then.
I’ve got a LOT to share in this month’s income report, and I’m really excited to...
If you are a mom, it is highly likely that you have shopped at Motherswork before.
However, did you know that Motherswork actually started out as a mom’s hobby, and it stands for 11 product values?
Sharon Wong, founder and CEO, creative...
There's a limit to how many people you can reach with organic posts.
If you’re serious about reaching your target audience and extending your business online, then great content and blog posts are not enough – you need to buy ads.
Want to know how to increase your conversion and make more sales?
Know why people say "no" to your offer.
Sometimes, a no could be legit. But most of the time, they say no because they can't make a decision.
People's objections to how...
What if getting new customers is easy?
The difference between “just getting by” and positively thriving comes down to one thing . . .
Every business wants their customers to introduce new customers, but some businesses are...