What I can say is that Michelle has been nothing but motivating and absolutely uplifting. I like how she is non-judgemental, constantly encouraging and believing in our business and what we are capable of. She doesn’t hold back and shares her knowledge openly.
I’ve learnt so much even by just listening to the recorded Momentum Coaching calls. My gift boxes are now selling out every time I launch!
So glad I signed up and joined other like-minded mom bosses. It is inspiring to see how we all have grown in our businesses.”
Then I got to know about MomBoss Academy through Michelle.
It is a great academy supporting mompreneurs and so, I decided that this is what I needed. The coaching sessions are very helpful. After one year with Michelle's support and guidance, I have now turned my passion into a business and make a (very) decent income doing things I love.”
“Michelle has the most simple steps that get results. She guided us through setting up our business online, generating leads, and launching a thriving subscription service for our home cleaning products. It's been a game-changer."
The In-Demand module on Clarity has really helped me a lot. I always knew what I have wanted to do, but I couldn't put it in such a concise manner.
I went from no idea how to position myself to attracting more than 2000+ members from all around the world to join my business.
I've recently been promoted to the rank of Platinum Director!”
Thanks to Michelle for crafting a captivating brand story that encapsulates what SupaMindo is in a way that's captivating. Because of it, I immediately scored a partnership with Stabilo, the established colour pencil brand.
"I have been searching for a mentor in the social media space, and I resonate with Michelle because she is a mother of 3 like me.
I decided to enrol and learn from her on how to position myself and stand out from the rest of the financial planners. It is a morale boost to know someone is behind my back and supporting me in my journey even though we are not in the same industry.
I can tell Michelle give her best, like giving out the contacts to help us in our business.
Michelle is very genuine, doesn’t beat around the bush or sugar-coat her words, she can tell you exactly what is not working and how to improve."
A few months later, I found out the #MomBossGoal intake was open and signed up immediately!
I am so grateful for Michelle's incisive insights shared in a no-frills manner to move us ahead during our coaching.
It has been a fun and rewarding journey transforming from an employee mindset to maximising our potential and creating value in our business.”
“I have created my first educational product for preschoolers. Michelle has taught me effective ways to introduce myself and stand out in a crowd to maximise buy-ins. As a full-time homeschool/tutor mum of 4 kids, I have a limited network and limited time, so learning from her really helps to set me in the right direction and stop me from running in circles. I just love Michelle for her willingness to share the tricks of her trade.”
I have two clients that wish to collaborate again on a paid basis, and recently signed a 4 months paid campaign. Thanks Michelle!”
“I did not have a clear focus of my business before attending the course. However, after just 1 session with Michelle, I have a clearer vision on where I am heading to and I am definitely looking forward to the next session with her! Michelle has shown me that being a stay home mum and having your own income is absolutely possible!”
“The Fashion Start Up program has been such a valuable experience for me. Despite having started on a fashion brand myself, the information shared by both Anseina (Ans.Ein) and Michelle (MomBoss Academy) has been truly insightful and will definitely help me grow my brand further.
Comprising of well-structured virtual lessons followed by debrief sessions, we got to learn about the inner workings of a fashion designer from inspiration to execution, the operational aspects of a fashion brand, as well as how to carry your products through to the sales stage via a well thought-out marketing strategy. Guest instructor Vina (Blome Design Co) also helped us deep dive further into the thought process around creating a brand that translates to your target audience.
I especially appreciate how frank and generous everyone has been in sharing their experiences and lessons learnt - a wonderful example of women supporting each other! I'm looking forward to applying my learnings from the program and seeing the exciting possibilities that await.”